Uniform monetary limitation of liability rule 统一赔偿责任限额规则
Study on the Monetary Policy as a Tool of Macroeconomic Control in China: Limitation and Adjustment Ideas 我国新一轮宏观经济调控中的货币政策:局限性及调整思路
The third part has compared the difference of monetary policy tools in the western countries and china. And then we found some limitation in the choice of the monetary policy tools in our country. 第三部分比较了中西方货币政策工具的不同,进而发现我国的货币政策工具选择上存在很多弊端。
With the development of financial reform, a great change has happened in monetary policy in China. In the early 1998, limitation on the scale of loan was canceled, which indicates the transformation of transmission mechanism of monetary policy from direct regulation to indirect regulation. 随着金融改革的深化,我国货币政策发生了较大的变化,1998年初,取消了贷款规模控制,标志着我国货币政策从直接调控走向间接调控。
However, in practice, our monetary policy shows the limitation of paying attention to gross adjusting control, and ignoring the regional differences. 但在实践中,我国货币政策也表现出只关注总量调控,却忽视地区差异的局限性。
On the other hand, Asian financial crisis also demonstrated that the current international monetary system had its limitation for preventing and dealing with regional financial crisis. So East Asia should be devoted to advancing regional financial cooperation. 另一方面,亚洲金融危机还显示出以IMF为支柱的当前国际金融制度安排对于防范和处理地区性金融危机存在的局限性,因此东亚地区人民应致力于推进地区性的金融合作。
In mechanism analysis, specific mechanisms by which monetary policy affects regional economies are analyzed in perspectives of tools of monetary policy, asset price fluctuations, regional economic structure differences and investment return differences, etc. It overcomes the analysis limitation in a single perspective. 在机理分析中,从货币政策工具、资产价格波动、区域经济结构差异、资金投资收益差异等视角分析了我国货币政策对区域经济影响的具体作用机理,克服了过去单一视角研究的局限性。